April 25, 2023

Why You Should Be In Photos With Your Kids

Moms, this is for you! Mothers tend to be the ones documenting their family’s moments, so they are behind the camera rather than in front of it. But mamas, please oh please make sure to get on the other side of the lens sometimes too! Here are some reasons why you should be in photos with your kids.

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Kids are cute, but they aren’t the only members of the family

It’s endlessly easy to take photos of kids— they look adorable doing just about anything. But pictures of just kids don’t tell the whole story of your family. It’s much harder to get in photos ourselves— we are full of insecurities and stress. It feels like a whole lot more work to look cute when our babies don’t even have to try. But it’s so incredibly important to join them in pictures sometimes. Memories are everything and moments fade in our minds when they are so full of daily stressors. You are raising these little munchkins and you deserve to be documented with them. You deserve to see photos with them showing their love for you. You exist in their daily life so let’s make sure you exist in the photos too.

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Teaching Body Positivity

Hopping in photos is a great opportunity to demonstrate body positivity to your little ones. We live in a world where it’s ingrained in us to constantly be improving our appearance. But regardless of what it looks like, your body is your forever home, and has taken you from babyhood to adulthood, to chasing kids around and adventures with loved ones. Signs of aging or a tummy that isn’t as flat as it used to be, are just signs of being human and living life. Even if your body doesn’t appear the way you might wish it would, it is still worth loving for all it does! 

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Memories that Last Beyond Even Us

Though it’s sad to think about, someday we won’t be around anymore. Our kids will treasure having photos of us to look back on. They will not see that your hair was dirty that day, or that you hadn’t lost the baby weight you wanted to— they will see a loving parent sharing special memories with them. Think about photos you’ve found of your parents with you as a baby and how wonderful those are to have.

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Your Children are Only Little For a Short While

It’s well known that kids grow up in the blink of an eye. Your time with a gaggle of tiny kiddos will flash by entirely too quickly. It’s easy to come up with reasons not to hop in photos, most often body insecurities, but how will you remember how tiny they were if you don’t have a photo of them snuggled in to your arms? How will you remember how perfectly their little hand felt in yours? What about the way they always held tight to your pinky finger when you walked around? 

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With Mother’s Day around the corner, I want to remind you that you are loved and cherished. You take endless photos of the rest of the family, but so rarely appear in your photos.  Remember that while they are your whole world, you are also THEIR whole world. Do yourself, and them, a favor, and make sure to join in these frozen moments in time. 

Reach out on the contact page if you’re ready to create some images that perfectly encompass your family connection!