The newborn session is one of the most important sessions because these are the first professional photos of your baby & he or she will change so fast! Here are some helpful ideas of what to expect & how to prepare so your newborn session can go as smoothly as possible.

The white onesie session is just that-- beautiful simple photos of your baby in a white onesie. The onesie is provided in studio, and all photos will be on a white blanket (also provided in studio). Items from home are not permitted during white onesie sessions.
Plan for your session to last about one hour. If baby is full and asleep upon arrival, this time may be shorter. Don’t worry if you need to nurse or feed baby when you get here, just go with your baby’s schedule and we can be flexible! It is also okay if baby is awake for these photos, as the poses are very relaxed and natural.
My home studio is a small cozy space, so it is not recommended to bring additional guests beyond yourself, your baby, and your partner.
I will be doing the majority of the handling & posing of the baby during the session. This means you can just relax for a while! I might need assistance with a few poses (I include your hands in some images to show scale and connection), but for the most part you can just observe from the couch. Babies can sense & smell when their mother is nearby and it might make him or her fussy when they realize Mom is not holding or feeding them.

Relaxed parents make for a relaxed baby! No need to stress over the newborn session. Follow baby’s lead the morning of the session as far as feedings go, and you can feed here as much as you need.
Moisturize your hands and have clean trimmed nails for the session-- your hands will likely end up in some of the photos. No need to have painted nails, but if you prefer to paint them, I generally recommend a neutral color.
If you are nursing, try to eat a pretty simple dinner the night before. Avoid spicy foods and caffeine if possible so baby has less of a chance of an upset tummy for the session.

No need to bring any clothes for the photos, as the onesie is provided in studio. It is easiest if you arrive with baby in a sleeper that zips or snaps up the front (anything that doesn’t need to go over the head), as this causes the least disturbance when getting changed at the studio.
If your baby takes a pacifier, or you are open to trying it, please bring it along! This can be extremely helpful to soothe him or her when posing.
Plan for feedings! If you are bottle/ formula feeding, make sure to bring more than you anticipate using. Your baby will be getting moved around more than he or she is used to & it is sometimes helpful to give them a little snack between regular feedings to keep them calm & happy. It's a good idea to have a few extra diapers as well.
White onesie sessions do not include any items, props, or clothes from home.

Get excited for your baby's first photo session!